Equity vs Equality
Ask your Diversity Trainer to explain the difference...chances are they can't
Equity verses Equality - what is the difference and why should it matter. My hope is that after reading this the differences will be made clear and the meanings of such two similar looking words would cause you to realize that there is no place for Equity in an organization that seeks to make a difference in the lives of those it serves and help diverse groups of people realize and obtain their hopes and dreams.
Fundamentally, equality and equity are opposite. Equality is an American Constitutional value exemplified in the 5th and 14 amendments. Amendments that are dedicated to assuring individual citizens be entitled to equal protection under the law, and equal chance to participate in society which includes among others education and employment. Equity by contrast divides society into uncompromising groups or classes and requires that there be equal outcome, ignoring the meaningful differences among us all or the choices we would make.
Equality means everyone is treated the same regardless of identity, race, or background. There is no discrimination. The goal of Equality is to give everyone an equal opportunity for success.
The problem with Equality (according to activists) is that everyone is given an equal opportunity for success making people responsible for their own successes or failures.
Equity is the opposite of equality. Identity, race, background, and behavior are taken into account so everyone is treated differently. There is manufactured discrimination in equity. The goal of equity is to make everyone equally successful (or unsuccessful).
The problem with equity is that it is creating identical outcomes for people which requires artificially helping demographics deemed worthy.
It is undeniable that there are disparities among us all. We come from different backgrounds, ethnic groups, families and socioeconomic upbringings. We are all not the same and it is impossible to make everyone end up at the same place. I'm unable to create equity in my home simply because of the statistical proof that my oldest child is granted privileges my youngest child will never be able to experience.
As a Christian, I believe that God made each of us in his image. He created each of us diverse in color, ethnicity and personality. Once we go down the path of creating "fairness" and "equitable" treatment for certain people groups we will unconsciously create division by discriminating against the very same people we choose to elevate. By choosing who to be fair too creates a power shift and requires an all-knowing elite group to determine who is oppressed and who is the oppressor. It requires the elite to make an assumption that one group be handicapped and another be elevated.
If Equity requires us to treat each other differently then are we not guilty of racism or anti-diversity, the very same thing we set out to combat?